You must keep records about the company as well as financial records. No matter what option you go for, you’ll want to keep strict records of everything, as you may have to pay back the loan with interest. It’s also important that you stay up to date with your accounts when it comes to these outgoings to avoid issues to your cash flow.
After all, being paid on time can be the difference between success or folding early on, as 20% of businesses fail in their first year. Additionally, many small business owners don’t have a deep understanding of accounting, so learning it all from scratch can be frustrating, not to mention how errors may be more common in this case. You might think you don’t need to keep on top of your accounts immediately, especially when you’ve just started your business and are busy running it day-to-day. However, being organised from the start will prevent a lot of issues down the line – including when it’s tax season.
Some documentation, however, must be kept for 10 years, instead, such as the minutes of board meetings. Finally, if you can schedule an important conference, you must schedule your accounting tasks. Recording your transactions in your book regularly, weekly, or at least a month, is essential to organise records, bookkeeping for startups avoid mistakes and eliminate unnecessary stress. To expand your business, your customers need to pay you, and you need a clear customer payment policy. Furthermore, you need to determine what kinds of payments you can accept from customers, including cash, check, credit card or mobile wallet payments.
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Debits refer to a company’s assets — anything tangible or intangible that the company owns — and indicate where money in a business comes from. Credits are a company’s liabilities — expenses and loans or taxes owed — indicating where the money goes. Debits and credits must always be equal when recording the financial transactions of a business. For example, if you purchase supplies for your product for £25,000, you would post that as a debit because you own those supplies. You would then credit your cash account for £25,000 because that money was deducted from your account, balancing out the transactions.
Get in touch with our team to discuss our range of business accounting services and how they can support you to do more. As your business grows, your tracking system needs may become more complex. Transitioning from a spreadsheet to an accounting system is a substantial administrative hassle. In most small businesses, the onus will fall on the founder to do that arduous work. Starting with basic accounting software makes it much easier to keep track today and transfer in the future. The sophistication of your system will depend on the current and projected complexity of your business’s financial landscape.