About Message
Infinite India Council of Computer Education provides IT education to economically and socially weaker section of the society and to those students who are unable to get such facilities. Through IICE we invite students to enhance their living style and education. The objective of IICE is to provide professional and job oriented education so that it can remove the unemployment from India. Professional course is the only way to by which youth of this country can become self-dependent. The aim of computer education is not only to promote Diploma or degree but also to reach the computer education to rural areas. It works on the principle “everyone should get equal opportunity” either rich or poor. In our study center examination is conducted after every three month, which helps the student in strengthen their self-confidence. It is said that children are the future of nation. So in order to enhance the future of the nation it is necessary to enhance the future of the children. I welcome you to the world of IICE EDUCATION and believe that you, as a student, will be able to enrich you personality and enhance your skills thereby building a strong nation and, as an associate, you will take this movement to greater heights.
About Infinite India Council of Education
IICE is a forward step taken by IIcE to literate India. IICE offers a wide range of computer programs through its various institutes across nation to suit the divers need of aspirants. There are specific diploma courses for graduates, under graduates as well as those experienced professionals who wish to enhance their carriers through computer education. Each of these programs has been crafted with most care to deliver world class computer education.
Aims & Objective
To provide adequate knowledge of computer: The main focus of this program is to provide deep and adequate knowledge of computers to the student.
Personality Development of the student: This program not only focuses on the syllabus but also pull out the hidden abilities and inner power of the student. Basically it tries to bring out and built the personality of the student.
Personality Development of the student: This program not only focuses on the syllabus but also pull out the hidden abilities and inner power of the student. Basically it tries to bring out and built the personality of the student.
To change life-style by New Technologies: Providing awareness to upcoming technologies and changing environment.
Computer course at the nominal fee: Providing computer course at very nominal and affordable fees.
Free computer education: Infinite India Council of Education provides Free Computer education to the people who belongs to Lower category/SC/ST/OBC/Widow and Handicap. This helps them to learn computer without making any fee payment related to course.
Mission of IICE
To provide the support and guidance to the students along with their regular studies and make them to face the highly competitive world through their merit. To develop academically rich, technologically competent, ethically strong quality professionals to face the challenges emerging out of the dynamic changes in world of technology. We believe that every child has the right to education as envisaged in our Constitution, develop himself or herself into a responsible citizen, is capable of earning his livelihood and, contributes to the growth and development of the nation to help it stand at par with other developed nations.
Who We Are ?
IICCE, initiated by Govt registered organization, to conduct full/short term courses for the students in these far flung, rural & district areas of the country. It is only to make Information Technology as a basic knowledge to people of Rural & Urban area to participate in mass movement towards Hi -Tech INDIA. .
Training Methodology
IT Courses requires proper Guidance & Teaching procedure, which will be based on.
• Regular Classes / Training.
• Highly Qualified Instructor / Faculty.
• Provide material for Lab.
• Assist. / Self Study.
Counselor are available at study center to provide required guidance for selection of their courses and student's progress. Fully equipped computer lab for training.. As per standard language used in school & colleges, course materials will be provided in English to cover maximum benefits to students. Basically the entire course materials are designed in English so that every student across India gets benefited by our program.
Course / Examination Medium
English is the medium of Course/Examination. Support Course Material are also provided in English as well as theory classes will be also conducted in same..
Program Objective
To provide professional education. To improve efficiency & enhancement in IT knowledge. To built a career for self employment. Acquiring Focus. Any rural IT intervention, which also claims to become self sustainable, will have to grapple with hard realities prevailing at the ground level. The point of intervention have chosen carefully. Rather than focusing on Developed or software exporter cities and towns, the intervention should concentrate on Block Level, Panchayat Level & District level.
Examination Details
IICE has introduce online on demand examination system. Here students can apply for online examination and they can get enrolled for examination for an specific course as per there requirement. For applying for online on demand examination the student has to go to the desired IICE authorized study centre and apply for the same. After applying and submitting exam fees. He would be able to appear for the online examination
Mark-Sheet / Certificate will be issued Within 20 to 30 days of commencement of examination.
Percentage Grade
> = 80% A+
>= 70%to <80% A
>= 60%to <70% B+
>= 50%to <60% B
>= 40%to <50% C
Certificate / Mark- Sheet
After the successful Completion of the course Certificate / Diploma will be awarded by Infinite India Council of Education H.O. only. And these Certificate / Diploma Will Be Valid For Employment All over India.
Important Note
Examination will be held in different parts like Unit test, semester examination, where Unit test will be conducted by IICE and semester examination will be conducted by H.O. The certificate & final mark sheet will be based on these examinations. A student has to secure at least 40 % marks in each to qualify the semester examination are eligible for next examination. If any student does not clear his/her semester exams in one attempt will be given one more chance to pass out the exam with fine of Rs. 100/- However, if any student remains absent in examination for whatever reason has to pay Rs. 150/- as penalty.Certification
Certificate awarded to student will be based on the overall performance in Semester and final examinations. Student should have note that the certificate will be provided, is based on the data furnished by them in their application form. Hence, they are to very careful in filling the data. For any mistake in student's or guardian's name in the certificate, as per the students application Head office is responsible other than for rectification will be charged Rs. 150/- for the reissue of the same. In case a student loses certificate, the same can be reissued on submitting the photocopy of ID card or registration card attested by Our Authorized Centre Director along with Rs. 150/- to Head Office..
Academic Rules
- Irrespective of age and position, the student is expected to maintain appropriate relations with the management and staff..
- The students when asked to meet the management with parent/guardian, should follow the instructions strictly..
- The management takes every measure for the good career of the student for which the student's co-operation is expected.
- The student should attend all the theory and lab classes regularly. A student remaining absent for more than 30 consecutive classes without information, shall cases a student has to take readmission. In such cases a student has to take readmission by paying a fine of Rs. 150/-.< /li>
- Proper discipline has to be maintained within the premises. A student found misbehaving will be restricted from attending the classes.
Student Benefits
• Student can start his own Computer Center.
• Student can provide his service as a Computer Faculty .
• Student can work as a Computer Operator.
• Student can be a Hardware Professional.
• Student can work as a Programming Assistant.
• Student can start his own business of Desktop Publishing.
• Student can apply in an Office, School, Institution etc.
• Free Computer Education Program.